Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, Church!
As I sit here typing this, I’m thinking of the many friends and loved ones who we’ve lost in the past year.  For many of you, this will be the first Thanksgiving without someone dear to you, and I want you to know that you are in our thoughts and in our prayers.  The holidays will be difficult for you, because death has robbed you of family and friends.  But even so, we are reminded that our grief is not the same as those who don’t believe in the victory of Christ.  That’s because death will not have the final word for us or for those we love who have died in the Lord.  God showed his power over death by raising Jesus from the dead and exalting him as King over all creation.
It’s my prayer that instead of these holidays being a time of intense sorrow, that they will be a time we can remember and celebrate those we love and miss.  Remember the times we shared good food and laughter.  Remember the times we talked all night.  Remember the times when we thought our friendship and love would never end.  And then remember that those days are coming again, because God has promised it.  That promise is something to be thankful for.
In spite of the trouble in the world and in your life, my prayer is that you will still pause today to give God thanks for all the good that you still have in your life.  If you have family or friends around you, be sure to tell them you love them.  If you don’t, still thank God because he will never leave you or forsake you.  And know that we at the Manchester Church of Christ are your friend and your family, and we love you in the Lord.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving,