Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Our young adults’ ministry includes a lot of different kinds of people: people fresh out of high school, people in or out of college, single people, married people, people with kids, people without kids. You get the idea. But even with all our differences, we have so much in common. We want to find a place to fit in where we can love and be loved, where we can trust and be trusted, where we can serve and be served. Here at Manchester, we’ve found a place like that.

The hub for the young adult experience here is our thriving Sunday morning class, which meets after worship. When you hear the word “class,” don’t think of boring lectures and dry material. Our class is vibrant, participatory, and it addresses real-life issues and needs. Beyond that, part of our class’s mission is to build community within the group that meets here and with those in our communities. We do that, in part, through social and service events each month.

If you want to be a part of this, or if you just want more information about who we are and what we’re doing, email us at or join our “Manchester Young Adults” Facebook group by clicking here. We’re currently working through the book More or Less: Choosing a Life of Excessive Generosity by Jeff Shinabarger. Stop in Sunday morning (worship @ 9, class @ 10) and get a free copy. We’ve got room for you.