Our Promised Hope

Our Promised Hope

Our Promised Hope

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been looking at the early stages of Jesus’s ministry to better understand the hope that we have had promised to us. We know that Jesus has come to wage war against the evil one and to rescue us from his imprisonment. But our hope in Jesus doesn’t stop with liberation but also includes restoration. In Mark 9, we see Jesus taking his three closest disciples, Peter, James, and John, up to a mountain to pray. While there, Jesus is transfigured before them, his face shining like the sun and his clothes becoming as white as light. Moses and Elijah appear beside him, and they talk with Jesus about his impending death in Jerusalem. The Transfiguration is a powerful moment of revelation for the disciples. They see Jesus for who he truly is: the Son of God. They also see a glimpse of the glory that awaits him in heaven. The Transfiguration is also a reminder that Jesus is not just a human being. He is God, and he has the power to overcome the corruption of this world and even death. This gives us hope in the face of our own struggles and challenges here in the present. The Transfiguration is a story about transformation. It shows us that we can be transformed and renewed by our commitment to and relationship with Jesus. When we draw near to him, we can be changed from the inside out today.

-Caleb McCaughan, Our Promised Hope

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think the Transfiguration means for Jesus? How does it change his relationship with his disciples?
  2. How can we be transformed by our relationship with Jesus? What steps can we take to draw closer to him?
  3. What are we called to do in response to the Transfiguration? How can we live out our faith in a way that reflects Jesus’ glory?


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