Youth Group Newsletter

Youth Group Newsletter

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Newsletter for the Craziest Summer of All-Time

WEEK 1 What Will You Tell Them?

Let’s cut to the chase: this summer is unlike any other summer we have ever encountered. Our school year didn’t end the way we wanted to (no graduations, no reunions with friends and teachers, no school sports, etc.). At this point in time, it doesn’t seem like we will have some of the same opportunities we had in the past (church camp, sleepovers, going to baseball games, etc.). This is all very disappointing, and there’s no way of avoiding that. So, I am sorry…

At the same time, I think it’s helpful to envision the summer of 2020 not in terms of what we will miss but in terms of what we might gain. Think about it for a moment. You are living in a unique period of time: the entire world is staying home. You might be living at the only period in human history where everyone is stuck at home. Your children and grandchildren—and possibly a historian or two if you live long enough—will ask you about what your life was like during this time. What did you do for fun? How did you communicate with others? What was it like to stay home for so long? What will you tell them?I want you to think about this question as you consider what you will make of this season of your life. This could be your year: a time to take up a new skill/hobby, an opportunity to grow closer with your family/loved ones, or a chance to learn what’s really important to and about you. This was the summer you learned how to do that one thing you never thought you’d have time to learn; this was the summer you started keeping a journal; this was the summer you grew closer to grandma; this was the summer you and your brother found buried treasure on the beach; this was the summer you gave your life to Christ. While we’ve all had something special to us taken away in these circumstances, we have also been given a precious opportunity to think creatively about how our lives will look after all of this is over. When everything passes and people ask what you did this summer, what will you tell them?

If you haven’t already, I hope you will begin thinking creatively about what you will do this summer—and what we can do together—to make these weeks memorable and worthwhile. Time is a precious gift, and we’ve been called to make the most of the time we have (Colossians 4:5). I’d love to hear what kinds of things you are doing right now/looking forward to as you make the most of the time God has given you. I plan to send out this short newsletter each week to keep you up to date on what’s happening with the youth group. In addition, I hope you can use this weekly newsletter to remember your activities for the summer. -CHET-

1 Sunday, May 24, 2020 Check-In

-A GOAL FOR MYSELF OVER THE SUMMER:______________________________________

-A GOAL FOR MYSELF THIS WEEK:________________________________________________

-IN MY PRAYERS THIS WEEK:____________________________________________________

-FRIENDS I WILL CALL/VISIT THIS WEEK:_________________________________________

-A GAME/GAMES I PLAN TO PLAY THIS WEEK:___________________________

-A BOOK/BOOKS I WANT TO READ:____________________________________________

-A SKILL/HOBBY I WANT TO TAKE UP:__________________________________

-SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED THIS WEEK:___________________________

Something to Think About… “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Download a copy of this newsletter here.