Protecting Our Minds

Protecting Our Minds

Protecting Our Minds

Amid a pandemic we rightly strive to protect our health.  Social distancing in now a household term and quarantine is a new reality for many.  For others, quarantine is not an option.  Many constantly put themselves at risk while providing services for the general public.  However, everyone needs to be mindful of another type of health – one’s mental health.

For those who may be severely struggling with anxiety, depression, or a significant change brought out through recent events, please seek appropriate help.  For everyone else, a few needed reminders from God’s word may help through some of our struggles.  God is very interested in our thoughts and wants to help protect our minds.  Considering the following verses.

  • Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth” (Colossians 3.2). 
  • “…looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12.2).
  • “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!  How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways (Romans 11.33)!
  • “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12.2).

Many, many more verses could be listed but these provide a good overview of God’s interest.  We must always remember that God understands our world perfectly.  He knows the challenges we continually face.  He realizes how easily things can distract us and disorient us.  None of us are completely immune from troubling emotions.  Given our current situation, what can we learn from these verses?

  • We are currently being overwhelmed with distractions.  It is imperative that you find a way to refocus on Jesus.
  • We are missing personal encounters with our church family.  Search for other ways to focus on things that are above.
  • This world will conform you if you are not careful.  We can easily create excuses for not seeking God until things return to “normal.”  Transform yourself by the renewing of your mind.
  • God’s knowledge and wisdom is greater than anything we can imagine.  Immerse yourself daily.  While important always, it is critical right now.  Then, allow this to become a new normal.

There are also a few simple, practical things to remember to help our mental health and clarity.  Regardless of your current circumstance, try to practice the following as you have opportunity as well.

  • Remember to step outside for stroll.  A simple walk is amazing for your health and allows time to meditate.
  • Take time to disconnect.  It is not good for your mental health to be constantly plugged in to the newest developments and breaking stories.  Catch up and stay informed, but take time to disconnect.
  • Connect with others.  As you have opportunities, call friends, family, and church family to see how they are doing and simply chat.  Don’t neglect the power of video call sessions to help your state of mind as well.