A Timely Reminder

A Timely Reminder

A Timely Reminder

Like myself, many of you have never seen anything like recent events.  Since you already have countless sources of information concerning COVID-19 permeating your life, I thought I would provide a timeless reminder for Christians.  This biblical truth stands despite the conditions around us.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4.8).  These words are not designed only for times when it is easy to eliminate difficult distractions.  They are also not to be considered only when things fall apart.  Instead, God has provided us words of wisdom to be practiced regularly through life.  Consider just a few benefits.

  • Positive thinking has a healthy ripple effect in our bodies.
  • Fear and anxiety, left unchecked, can overwhelm a person and prevent a clear assessment of reality.
  • We all need periods of separation from constant negativity.

This is not a suggestion to ignore reality and pretend everything is okay.  It’s not okay.  But that also shouldn’t come as a surprise to Christians who understand that we live in a temporary world and paradise on earth is not promised.  Cancer does not have religious borders.  Accidents happen to the righteous.  In fact, James reminds Christians that life is like a vapor and we have no guarantees.  So, how do we apply Philippians 4.8 to our current situation?  I have three brief thoughts.

First, remember that Christianity has not ceased.  Don’t allow circumstances to completely overshadow your life in Christ.  Everything described in Philippians 4.8 is provided in the Bible and ultimately describes our Savior.  Read the Bible like never before and allow it to shape your mind.  Afterall, you likely have more free time right now.

Second, study what follows this verse in Philippians 4.9.  The God of peace can be with us only as we practice these things.  Don’t allow life to become guided only by restrictions.  Be safe, follow guidelines, but realize you may be in the best position to help someone in need.  Take a moment to think about who might need help in your personal world.  Call them and find out.  Like Paul said, do these things and the God of peace will be with you.

Third, by thinking about these things we can also be reminded that we are the light of the world.  Selfishness abounds around you.  Be the one who shows people that God’s kingdom is about serving.  Many people are living in fear.  Show others that perfect love casts out fear.  Many people are blaming, dividing, and simply being ugly.  Our society needs voices who bring light and reminders of what is good.  Are you willing to cast aside your personal convictions, and even possibly anger, to do what is sorely needed?  Remember, Christianity is about sacrifice.  Most news is negative and dark.  Help shed light and remind people that good still exists.

In a world of hatred, I love you, God loves you, and many in your church family love you.  If you need help, please know that we are here.  As Paul wrote, think about these things.

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