It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming!

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming!

“It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!”

June 7, 2019

After Jesus’ baptism, he spent forty days in the wilderness being tempted by the devil (Matthew 3:16-4:17).  You’ll remember that the devil quoted scripture to try and divert Jesus from his mission.  It sounded like truth, but it was twisted.  Jesus was aware of Satan’s schemes and overcame his deceptions.  Satan used some of God’s promises in ways that were manipulative as he tried to twist truth into falsehood.  He still does the same thing with us all the time.

The devil is really good at taking things that sound good—things that sound like God’s truth—and using them in ways that lead us away from God. 

When we believe that bad things wouldn’t ever happen to good people—that’s a lie.  When we believe that there is no possible path to forgiveness and reconciliation in our relationships—that’s a lie.  When we believe that we’ve committed some sin so heinous that God wouldn’t ever take us back—that’s a lie.  When we believe that Jesus has forgotten us and is never returning—that’s a lie.  When we believe that salvation is simply a one-on-one arrangement between ourselves and God—that’s a lie.  When we believe that we are too small and have too little to offer to try and make a difference for God in this world—that’s a lie. 

Here’s some truth:

God is powerful enough to use each one of us for good.

God is faithful enough to keep his promises he’s made to all of us.

God is invincible, so his plans and purposes will absolutely without-a-doubt be achieved for us.

So, don’t give up.  Keep pushing.  Stay faithful.  Be confident in the love and sovereignty of our God.

See you Sunday!
