Who is this Messiah?

Who is this Messiah?

Who is this Messiah?

When was the last time you thought about how fortunate we are to have the Bible and ready access to it? Available in our hands is this wonderful collection of narratives, prophecies, poetry, parables, and sermons that reveal who God is to us. From Genesis to Revelation, we have all of Scripture before us so that we may know God. Whether we are at home in our favorite chair or on the road in a hotel, we are able to sit down and pour over the biblical text in prayer and study. Historically, that has not always been the case. Whether due to a lack of access to a physical Bible or being located in a context where the God we worship is relatively unknown, others have not been as fortunate as we are today. Early on in Scripture, knowledge about God was passed down through generations by storytelling and placing physical markers. Yet, there are moments where God reveals Himself to an individual or a community so that they may know Him more fully. The passage we are spending time in this morning is an example of this. The Israelites have just come out of Egypt and are placing trust in the God of their ancestors. Sure, they must have heard stories passed over generations, but they must also be wondering who exactly is this God that dragged them out into the wilderness. It is here that God reveals who He is to His people. This moment will shape the trajectory of the Israelites as history progresses on to the arrival of Jesus Christ. While pivotal for the Israelites, this portrait of God is crucial for us today as we seek to know our God.

Caleb McCaughan, for the Manchester Church of Christ

Who is this Messiah? 02.19.2023


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