The True Vine
As we conclude our series “Who is Jesus?”, we arrive at the final “I am” statement that wraps up our journey through Jesus’ profound self-revelations. Throughout our exploration, Jesus has declared, “I am the Bread of Life” – offering spiritual sustenance that satisfies our deepest hunger. We’ve seen Him as “the Light of the World,” illuminating the darkness of our spiritual confusion. We discovered Him as “the Door,” providing exclusive access to salvation and abundant life. We’ve examined how He is “the Good Shepherd” who knows His sheep intimately, laying down His life for their protection and guidance. We marveled at His declaration of being “the Resurrection and the Life,” demonstrating power over death itself. We were challenged by His proclamation of being “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” – the singular path to relationship with God the Father. Now, in John 15:1-11, Jesus presents His final “I am” statement: “I am the true vine.” This statement ties together all the different pictures of Jesus we’ve explored. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit by itself but must remain connected to the vine, we cannot live a truly meaningful spiritual life apart from Christ. He is not just our sustenance, our light, our access, our shepherd, our life, and our way – He is the very source of our spiritual flourishing. As we conclude our series exploring who Jesus is, this passage reminds us that Jesus is not just a historical figure or a distant concept. He is the source of our life, our strength, and our purpose. In Him, we find bread that satisfies, light that guides, a door to salvation, a shepherd who protects, resurrection power, and the way to eternal life – all flowing from this intimate connection as branches to the true vine. The invitation remains: Abide in Him, and He will abide in you.
Caleb McCaughan, Preaching Minister
Dinner Table Conversations
Adult & Teen Table Talk:
- If being a branch requires total dependence on the vine, what “independent” attitudes or behaviors might be preventing you from fully abiding in Christ?
- How does the image of Jesus as the “true vine” challenge or complement your current understanding of your relationship with God?
- In what specific ways can you intentionally “abide” in Christ this week? What practical steps might help you stay connected?
Little Learners’ Table Talk:
- Just like a branch needs a tree to grow, how do you think we need Jesus to grow in our hearts?
- What do you think Jesus means when He says He’s like a vine and we’re like branches? Can you draw a picture of what that might look like?
Who is Jesus? – The True Vine
One Comment
Pat Mosher
We enjoyed your sermon this Sunday. Lots to think about. It is great to be able hear your sermon even tho we were not in the building. Hope you are feeling better each day. Thanks. Pat Mosher