Rule of Life

Rule of Life

Rule of Life: Kingdom Values, part 2

We are in our second week of the series Kingdom Values and the principle we are focusing on this Sunday is devotion. The way we use the word “devotion” in church circles may be different than how our non-Christian friends use it, so what exactly do we mean by that? By devotion, we mean that we will live a life that seeks after God and His kingdom first. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of life. In this season of our country, we worry about the upcoming elections and their ramifications, as well as our jobs, our finances, our relationships, and our future. Everything is clamoring for our attention. But in Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus reminds us that our focus should be on God first and foremost. When we seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness above all else, He will provide for our needs. We don’t need to worry about tomorrow because God will take care of us. Yet, that is so much easier said than done. We are constantly being told that we need to prioritize this movement or ideology, that career or group of people above everything else. In short, every single aspect of life is trying to shape us into a specific kind of person. Too often, we let this passively happen to us and, in the same way, we expect spiritual growth to just happen. If we are going to be a people devoted to Christ, we to structure our life and take practical actions that help form us after Him. Let us commit to being devoted to God and trusting in His plan for our lives. 

Caleb McCaughan,

Pulpit Minister | Manchester Church of Christ Schedule a meeting with me here!


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