Leadhership The Call to Lead Protect and Love

Leadhership The Call to Lead Protect and Love

Leadhership The Call to Lead Protect and Love

Men, God has called you to be the leader, protector, and lover in your home, reflecting Christ’s love and sacrifice. This calling isn’t just a title; it’s a daily commitment to actively guide your family. Are you taking responsibility for your household, or have you been passive, letting work, hobbies, or distractions take the wheel? When was the last time you prayed for your wife, sought God’s guidance together, or opened the Bible as a family? Are you leading your children toward Christ, teaching them to honor God, or are they learning about faith from someone else?

Consider your role as a husband: Are you pursuing your wife’s heart, showing her the love, honor, and respect she deserves? Are you speaking life into her, encouraging her with your words, or have you allowed routine and complacency to take over?

God didn’t call us to lead in isolation or on our strength. He calls us to lead like Christ—selflessly, courageously, and with a heart fully surrendered to Him. Today, I challenge you to examine your leadership at home. Are you truly reflecting God’s love and leadership in every area of your life? Let’s commit to stepping up, embracing LeadHerShip, and honoring God by leading our families well.

Malik S. Champlain

Are You Growing?


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