Lead Me to Rest

Lead Me to Rest

Knowing God: Lead Me to Rest

We’ve talked a lot in recent weeks about knowing God and meditating on his teachings. This is crucial to our spiritual formation so that we don’t fall into the cultural trap of Deism. If you’re not familiar with the concept of Deism, it is the belief in the existence of God, but he does not intervene in or is personally involved in the world or our lives. Held by a few of our nation’s founding fathers, this deistic perspective of God is very much a core part of our cultural DNA. Yet, we do not serve a God who set the world spinning and just watches it spin, nor does God sit high up in a tower peering down on the world through his binoculars not wanting to dirty himself with the mess. No, we serve a God who is personally involved in the world and in our lives, one who calls us his flock and he, our Shepherd. This week we’ll be walking through the most famous Psalm of all time, Psalm 23. As the Teacher says in Ecclesiastes, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). In the same way, I’m not sure there is anything new or revelatory that I could possibly come up that hasn’t been said about Psalm 23. Nonetheless, it’s message stands the test of time and is something we all need to be reminded of. Do we truly know God as our shepherd and not as a removed mystical figure? Are we willing to let him guide us and not our own understanding? Are we willing to let him protect us so that we can dwell in his presence for the rest of our days?

Caleb McCaughan, Preaching Minister


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