Mark 7:24-37, Feed Me with Crumbs
Good morning. I’m so thankful that you’re here this morning so that we can worship our God together. He is worthy of our praise, and he is generous with the grace he pours out on those who come before him. Gathering for worship like this should be like going to a banquet where the soul gets fed. I know that we don’t always have that kind of experience, but we should aim for it, because we serve a good Father who wants us to know joy and fullness and the here-and-now blessings of salvation.
Jesus is the one who makes that possible, and he fills us with his Holy Spirit who comforts us, guides us, and sometimes convicts us in ways that should lead us to greater hunger, humility, and faith. Yes, sometimes it’s good to be hungry.
Sometimes it’s not. I’m thinking of times I’ve done mission work in Brazil, Ghana, and Zimbabwe, where I’ve seen such extreme poverty that it changed the way I think about life, abundance, and the things we call necessities. The saddest thing I’ve ever seen in person is young children who walk around in rags literally starving to death. When you share food with them, they are so happy to have it, and they don’t waste a single bit. Not a single crumb. Because sometimes that’s all they’re going to have for days. They know the sort of hunger that makes people desperate.
In our text this morning (Mark 7:24-37), part of what we’re going to see is a woman who is desperate for Jesus’ help. She’s hungry—starving—for what only he can give. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Is that something we run from or run to? We all have to decide for ourselves, and may God give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to receive Him who is the Word of God and the Bread of Life.
Feed Me with Crumbs, Mark 7:24-37