Are You Growing?

Are You Growing?

Are You Growing?

If I can give a shoutout to my wife. One of the many reasons I love my wife is because of her I have health insurance (Amen Somebody!) I had a doctor’s appointment this week and while I was there, we went over the usual checklist/routines for my checkup. I took an eye test, and my eyes are struggling but they still work. My blood pressure was good, I was not sick, and my shots were up to date overall I am pretty healthy. Not that everything needs to be turned into a sermon, but it got me thinking. One of the reasons I loved going to the doctor when I was younger is because I loved to compare my height and weight from the previous visit. I loved to see that I was growing. Truthfully, I’m not as excited to see how I have been growing as I get older. Sometimes when I go to the doctor now no growth has occurred. I find it interesting that this has a lot of parallels to our spiritual life. When we are fresh out of the water and a babe in Christ it seems like we are growing rapidly. But as life continues, we really don’t seem to track our spiritual growth. If we’re being honest sometimes we are not growing spiritually at all. We may be attending worship services or be at bible class, but those gatherings don’t necessarily equate to successful spiritual growth and maturation. This Lord’s Day I don’t want to talk about how to grow spiritually. I want to focus on “If” we are growing spiritually. What does spiritual growth look like? How do you assess if you are growing spiritually? I believe we can measure our spiritual growth if we take a look at what we are “Consuming”, what we are “Producing” and if we can remain faithful to God no matter the season, he has us in. 

Randall Colson, Youth Minister


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