A Sunrise in Utqiagvik

A Sunrise in Utqiagvik

A Sunrise in Utqiagvik is lesson number one in the new series, A Journey Through 1 John, by Caleb McCaughan

This week we celebrated the 4th of July and honored the time since the United States of America declared its independence. I can’t help but think of the famous words etched now 248 years ago as a new nation set out to pursue “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” That is, as a nation and people free to pursue the good life. Of course, over our young nation’s history, there have been many peaks and valleys in pursuit of this good life and it is still a journey that is and will continue to be a work-in-progress. Nonetheless, we pursue and chase after this freedom undeterred by the challenges ahead. It reminds me of the greatest act of redemption and liberation that occurred 2,000 years ago. “For freedom, Christ set us free” (Galatians 5:1) through his death and his resurrection. We now stand ready, each of us, to pursue the good life with God. Our independence from sin and the grasp of the evil one has been declared and we know that the battle has already been won. And now, we pursue as the people of God a “long obedience in the same direction” as we walk the path of discipleship together. There have been and will be times in our Christian walk when we will be on the mountaintop. There have been and will be times when we are stuck in the valley and can’t seem to find our way, where the darkness begins to settle. But we know that the light always shines through. To God be the glory. Amen.

Caleb McCaughan, Minister


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