The Conclusion of the Matter

The Conclusion of the Matter

The Conclusion of the Matter

Supplemental Study for 7.26.20

Video Thoughts for Discussion/Meditation

  • What are your thoughts from the video?  Is there anything new that you learned?  What did you agree/disagree with from the video?
  • Why is it important to seek God while we are young?
  • What are the potential problems of not seeking God while we are young?
  • Do you agree with the conclusion of the matter to fear God and keep His commandments?  Is this man’s all?

Further Texts

  • 1 Corinthians 1.18-31
    • Throughout this section we need to realize that Paul is dealing with specific things happening in Corinth.  However, why do you think Paul might say that the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing?
    • List things about the message of cross that might seem foolish to those who do not believe in Jesus.
    • What do you think it means that we cannot know God through wisdom?
      • We should realize that this does not mean that we are not to use our minds when we think about God.
      • This also does not mean that we must move to a “leap of faith” mentality where all reason is left behind.
    • The general makeup of Christians at Corinth seems to be what we would call “regular” people (see verses 26-29).  Do you think there is any significance to this idea?
    • Why is it important to allow our boasting to be in God alone?  What must we become to allow ourselves to boast in God alone and not our own abilities?

Concluding Thoughts

  • What is life about?
  • How does that question affect your life?
  • Do you fully believe that eternity is a reality?
  • Does that affect your priorities in life?