Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation


Hello, Church.  It was great to see so many of you yesterday at worship.  I wanted to take a minute and remind all of us that life is better if we lay the right foundation, and Jesus is that foundation.  As it says in 1 Cor. 3:11, “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

If we build our lives on him, then we know we’re building on something stable, something permanent, and something strong enough to keep us from being shaken beyond repair.  This is good news for our personal growth, for our relationships with others, and for our efforts to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind” (Luke 10:27). 

If you want help getting your life in better alignment with God, there are many of us here at Manchester who are willing and able to share the Word, share our experiences, and share good practices which can help you lay that right foundation and build on it in ways that lead to peace with God and others.  Let us know, and we’ll be there for you.  You can call or text me at 316-200-7780 or email me at

Also, be sure to read Rob Berghorst’s blog which will come out tomorrow on the church website:  Those Tuesday messages are full of good information!

Have a great week,

Patrick Barber