Sunday Worship – 9.2.2018

Sunday Worship – 9.2.2018

Welcome to worship this morning. While worship is supposed to be part of everyday life for those of us who acknowledge and love God, this time we get together every Sunday morning is special. We get to reconnect with friends. We get to share stories of the past and make plans for the future. And we get to be encouraged by friends and church family who really do love us. Those are great reasons to gather here every Sunday.

But none of that would exist without our common love for God and our appreciation for all he’s done for us. He created all things and continues to bless us each day we draw breath. It was his son, Jesus, who voluntarily came to earth and died for our sins. It was God whose great love and power raised Jesus from the dead—proving his power over evil and establishing a precedent: He will someday return to raise all the dead and pronounce final judgement on evil. The righteous will live in community with God forever, and the unrighteous will be cast out away from God’s presence.

Being here today is part of our preparation for that coming Day of the Lord.

If you don’t know what these things mean, I’m here to help. My faith is built upon the God who reveals himself and his will to us in the Bible. So that’s where we go to learn about God and his plans for us. If you want someone to study with you or pray with you or help you find your place in God’s plan, let me know. God is ready, so let’s worship him.

— Patrick Barber
