It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’!
Hello, Church. It’s 2018, and we’ve already had our first big snowstorm. Thankfully, the church parking lot has been cleared, Eric Foley has graciously cleared the sidewalks and steps, and everything is ready for worship Sunday morning. As we enter into this new year ready to rededicate ourselves to God and His mission, let’s all make worship a priority in our lives.
Worship means much more than what we do from 9:00-10:15 Sunday mornings at the church building, but that time we come together is essential for mature spiritual growth. We have a handful of people who, because of health or infirmity, cannot leave their homes to worship with us, and they will tell you how much they miss gathering with God’s people for praise and encouragement. When we have the ability to be here with the community of faith, we should be here.
If you have the opportunity to be here with us at 9:00 but you choose to be somewhere else, that’s a problem. You’re doing yourself a disservice, and you’re not putting your God-given gifts to use to bless the rest of the congregation with your presence. So, please commit to being here ready to worship each Sunday at 9:00. Hopefully you can be here even earlier so there’s time for greetings and fellowship before worship starts.
This year has the potential to be an incredible year of growth here at Manchester. I hope you plan to be a part of it!
God bless,