Happy Monday, Church!
It’s a beautiful day so far here in Manchester. The sun is shining on this new day God has given us. I hope you had a good weekend. We have had a lot of people traveling as the summer winds down, and it will be nice when we get everyone back together. Hopefully that transition begins this week.
I want to commend the dozens and dozens of you who did a great job quoting Psalm 25:10 during worship Sunday morning! It was encouraging to see that so many of you took our new memorization challenge seriously. If you missed out, it’s not too late. Psalm 25:10 is short and easy to memorize. “All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness to those who keep his covenant and testimonies.”
And with a message like that, who wouldn’t want to be able to recall that at any moment? I pray that today is a day when you feel God’s love and see his faithfulness on display. Even if you aren’t having the best of days, maybe you can find a way to be like Jesus today and help a neighbor experience the goodness of God. That’s always a good plan to adopt if you’re looking for a goal for the week!
God bless,