Why Share Jesus? Sharing Jesus, part 1

Why Share Jesus? Sharing Jesus, part 1

As inquisitive people we all have questions for God that God—who is loving, wise, and kind—chooses not to answer. Why did this bad thing happen to this good person? Why does God allow so much evil to cause so much chaos in the world he created? When

will God send Jesus back to finalize his victory? We have many such questions. Sometimes our questions do have answers in scripture and we just haven’t found them; sometimes we just cannot know. Either way, unanswered questions can gnaw at us, and maybe we hold that against God. Let’s not pretend, however, that God isn’t interested in our questions or that God never shares his mind and purpose with us when it comes to big issues. God often does tell us why.

He definitely tells us why it is critical for us to share Jesus with the world around us.

This morning we address the question, “Why should I share Jesus?” as we start a new series to help us better equip ourselves for just that thing: sharing Jesus with the people around us. Sometimes we call it outreach. Other times we call it evangelism. Really, it’s simply sharing good news in ways that give people an authentic opportunity to feel the love of God, to understand God as the source of that love, and to be invited onto a path that leads to a truer relationship with God.

Why would we want to do that? I’ll try to answer that question this morning.

-Patrick Barber, preaching minister


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