Where Do We Plant Our Roots?

Where Do We Plant Our Roots?

Knowing God: Where Do We Plant Our Roots

“He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither” (Psalm 1:3a, CSB). Intimacy is such a crucial part of what it means to be human. When God created man, he deemed that it was not good for man to be alone. We are meant to live in relationship with one another, person to person. We are also meant to live in relationship with our Heavenly Father, destined to spend morning walks in the garden with God. Yet, there are times when it seems impossible to know God, as if there has been a chasm placed between us that we cannot possibly cross. If we’re not careful, we can fall into a state of deism where God is far off and removed, relegated to the background of everyday life. Like a friend we’ve gradually lost touch with, we have a sense that there should be something more to our relationship with God but we’re not even sure where to start. How do we truly come to know God intimately, either for the first time or again? Lord (and baby) willing, we’ll wrestle with this question as we walk through Psalm 1. We’ll let the psalmist shape our imaginations and stir our hearts to chase after the one who made us in his image. This exploration of Psalm 1 seeks to illuminate the path toward a deeper intimacy with God by examining the challenges and promises inherent in our relationship with the divine so that we can fully know and be fully known by God.

Caleb McCaughan, Preaching Minister

A New Life


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