The Secrets of Service

The Secrets of Service

The Secrets of Service

Growing up in the church was the biggest blessing in my life, a lot of the life lessons I learned, I still remember to this very day. Even though I grew up in church, when it came to being part of a new church family in college I struggled. I wasn’t an active member; I was just an attending member. Though my attendance was perfect on Wednesdays and Sundays. Or I had my bible in hand with a full three-piece suit.  I looked the part and was in a position to grow however, spiritually I was stuck. I found myself putting so much value on the minister and his sermons or the worship leader and the songs. I would go to church looking to be encouraged and leave feeling just as empty as when I first walked in. My father told me the key to my spiritual success lay in my transformation from being an attending member of the church to becoming an active member of the church family. Like a true college-aged adolescent, I didn’t listen to him but, he was right. Even though we don’t talk about it as much as we need to, serving is a pivotal part of our Christian walk. Jesus challenges all his disciples if they want to be great, they need to be servants. He displays true servanthood in the text that we will cover today in John 13:1-17. By washing his disciple’s feet, he gives an example for all of us to follow. That no matter how holy we think we are, no matter how big we think our bible is or how many zeros we have in the bank account we all need to serve. Today we will cover the most important portion of serving which is having the right heart posture. Serving is not about who is deserving, our commission is love and we should serve where we are needed not always where we want. 

   Randall Colson, Minister, Manchester Church of Christ – The Secrets of Service


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