A prayer of thankfulness to God for the sixty years this church has worshiped and served in Manchester: “Our high and holy God, splendid in glory in strength, full of
compassion and faithful love, we humble ourselves before you in gratitude. Even before you spoke light into existence, you knew all things and determined that you would initiate fellowship with your creation. You made all that is and ever has been, and we know you are working even now to bring about that great Day when you will
victoriously establish a glorious new creation where righteousness dwells. O, Lord, we eagerly await that day. We hunger for it and for an end to all the pain and division that evil has brought into this world. We know that we do not have the power to change the world as much as we want it to be changed, but you do. Dear Lord, we confess our own sins and our own roles in the brokenness of our society. We confess that we have often failed to reflect the beauty of your forgiveness, grace, and love. We admit that the things we often ask of you we have not always offered to our neighbors—especially those we don’t like or understand. We need your mercy and your forgiveness, and we are so thankful that you hear and answer our prayers. May we always remember that you are faithful to forgive and that those who repent always have a home with you. Our Father, we ask that you will help us to grow more and more into the image of your Son. Above all else, we want to please you as he did. We want to continue to mature in our service in this community so that we live up to the expectations of your name. Please continue to equip us for that service, and please help us to be good stewards of the gifts you’ve already richly provided, so that we can live our lives of faith together as your good and faithful servants. We pray all this in the name of Jesus your Son, our Savior and Lord. Amen.”
God's Education Plan