Love from the Source

Love from the Source

Love from the Source

If you had to guess what the central focus of this week’s sermon is, what would you say? Did you guess love? We are now entering week four of our series through the letter of 1 John and love has been and continues to be where our attention is drawn to. After all, it makes sense as God is love (1 John 4:16) and his love for us is most revealed through his willingness to send Jesus to die on behalf of each one of us (1 John 4:9-10) and rise from the grasp of death. God’s love for us is the foundation of our walk of discipleship. Our ministry theme for the year has been Discipleship for Such a Time as This and we’ve talked about spiritual gifts, spiritual disciplines, and many other things that are crucial for our walk as Christians. As we (somehow already) enter the second half of 2024, I’m excited for us as a church to explore from the pulpit what discipleship means for us as individuals, as a congregation, and for engaging with the secular culture. Yet, we need the proper foundation laid first which is love. The two most important commands given to us are love of God and love of neighbor. Elsewhere in Scripture when Paul talks about the church being many parts but one body, gifts of the spirit, and fruit of the spirit, he begins and ends those conversations with love. So, if you’re wondering if we’re going to talk about love for the fourth straight week, that’s completely all right. I’ve asked myself that question, too. But Paul seems to think that love for God and one another is important, as does John, and most significantly, so does Jesus. Let us continue to labor in love together.

Caleb McCaughan, A Journey Through 1 John


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