Confessional Clothing

Confessional Clothing

Confessional Clothing, Kingdom Values, lesson 1

I want to say thank you for all the prayers, support, and meals that you all have provided my family over the past month. It was wonderful getting to spend some time bonding together as a family of four. So, again, from myself, Taylor, Axel, and Luca, thank you! Now, with the “pleasantries” out of the way, we can get straight to business. It’s no secret that we’ve fully entered election season. Presidential and VP debates are occurring, yard signs and bumper stickers are beginning to proliferate, and there is an underlying tension in the air that you can feel as we inch closer to November 5th. While this is an important time politically for our country, it also should not be a surprise that this season is crucial to our witness for the Kingdom of God over the coming weeks, months, and years. According to a research survey by the Barna Group in May 2023, the number one reason that people of other faiths and of no faith doubt Christianity is due to “the hypocrisy of religious people.” Non-Christians (and even those within the church such as our friends, children, and grandchildren) are watching closely how we conduct ourselves. While we can certainly have our political convictions, those convictions should not compromise our positions as “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20). Over the next several weeks, we’ll be looking at several different values from Scripture that, if we purposely apply them, will make sure we are a good representation of Jesus and his church. My prayer is that even during a tension-filled election season, our actions and character will help spread the sweet “fragrance of Christ” (2 Cor. 2:15).

Caleb McCaughan – Pulpit Minister | Manchester Church of Christ

Kingdom Values, lesson 1: Confessional Clothing


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