Building Blocks

Building Blocks

Building Blocks – 1 Peter 2

In this week’s sermon focusing on 1 Peter 2, we find ourselves dealing with a section of Scripture that is intensely practical. While there are those (myself included) who love to spend time discussing and debating the finer points of theology, many of us are simply asking this question: How do I faithfully live as a Christian in a world that is not? In our journey of faith, we often encounter challenges and trials that test our resolve. But in the midst of these difficulties, we find encouragement and guidance to fully embrace our identity as living stones in Christ’s spiritual house and call us to live in a way that reflects the teachings of Jesus. As Peter exhorted the early Christians, we are called to rid ourselves of negative traits and embrace sincere love for one another. Just like living stones forming a solid structure, our unity and strength come from Christ, the cornerstone of our faith. Let us cherish the truth that we are chosen and precious in God’s eyes, a holy nation and a royal priesthood. This realization empowers us to be a powerful force for good in our community and beyond. When facing adversity and suffering, we are reminded to follow Christ’s example of enduring with patience and righteousness. Rather than seeking revenge or retaliation, we are called to entrust ourselves to God’s just judgment, knowing that He sees and understands our hearts. As we gather to worship and grow in our faith, let us meditate on the profound teachings of 1 Peter 2. May we embrace our identity as living stones, upholding one another in love, and standing firm in the face of trials. Together, we form a powerful spiritual house, built upon the foundation of Christ’s love and grace.

–Caleb McCaughan

1 Peter 2: Building Blocks

Digging Deeper Questions

1. What does it mean to be “living stones” in Christ’s spiritual house, and how does this concept impact our understanding of unity and strength within the church community?

2. In 1 Peter 2, the passage mentions the call for believers to rid themselves of negative traits and embrace sincere love for one another. How can we practically apply this call in our daily lives and interactions with others?

3. The chapter talks about enduring suffering with patience and righteousness, following the example of Jesus. How do you personally find strength and encouragement in Christ’s example when facing trials or difficult circumstances?

For last week’s sermon in this series, visit here.


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