A Song to Sing

A Song to Sing

A Song to Sing

What a beautiful time of year to be living in New England!  Even with all its troubles, we have a beautiful world that moves us in so many ways to praise our Creator.  Let’s not forget to be thankful to God as we enjoy the colorful changes happening around us. 

This morning as we worship together, our theme will be “Remembering We Have a Song to Sing.”  Instead of having our normal sermon/lesson time, I’ll be dividing that time up and using it to remind us of a variety of ways that song can bless us and help us grow closer to God.  That also means, as you may have already guessed, that we’ll be doing quite a bit of singing together. 

If things go according to plan, we will honor God this morning both by singing to him and to one another (as Scripture directs us to do), and we will hopefully be blessed by a closer look at why singing is something God teaches us to do.  I don’t think we’ve had a special service quite like this since I’ve been at Manchester, and I pray that it is encouraging and effective at helping us grow in our faith and devotion to the Lord.

As part of our follow-up to this morning’s worship, I invite you to write down your favorite songs that you’d like us to sing more often here at Manchester.  Include as many as you’d like.  I’ll pass these along to our song leaders, and they always do a great job of trying to include requests and suggestions.  You can put your name on your note if you’d like, and you can turn in your suggestions in the basket at the Welcome Center.  You can also email me at patrick@manchestercofc.org.

May God be glorified in all that we do.  After all, he is the one who gave us a song to sing.

Patrick Barber


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