Zoom Cook-Off

Zoom Cook-Off

The Zoom Link is Coming Soon!

Let’s have some fun creating an “off-book” healthy side dish for our family.  We can learn from one another and experiment with new flavor combinations.
The idea is to make a side dish with items you probably already have in your refrigerator and pantry.
Choose a starch . . . this can be rice, couscous, quinoa, potato, pasta
Choose 3 or 4 vegetables . . . such as carrots, broccoli, green beans, frozen peas, frozen corn, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, bell peppers, onions, cabbage, . . . 
If you want, you can substitute a can of beans like garbanzo beans or black beans for your starch or use with your starch.
Have on hand your families favorite spices such as salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin, garlic, hot sauce, . . . some may prefer fresh herbs such as basil or cilantro, and a personal favorite — a good oil such as Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Sesame Oil,  . . . 
Before we ZOOM:
1)  Prepare a family size serving of the starch ahead of time.
2)  Wash and chop the vegetables you chose.  You can vary the quantities if you like carrots most, broccoli second, but you want to use some red pepper for color.
3)  Get out a frying pan (preferably non stick cause YOU ARE cleaning up after yourself) and olive oil
When we ZOOM:
1)  You will cook (stir fry) the vegetables you chose.  We will have a ZOOM monitor to ensure aprons aren’t burning and smoke alarms aren’t going off.
2)  You will assemble your side dish by adding the vegetables to the starch you have prepared in advance.
3)  You will season your creation.  Do not over-season.  Start off lightly with your choices.  Stir your creation well.  Taste.  If it’s good, you’re done.  If it’s not quite there yet, use your judgement and add what you think is missing.  If you don’t know, you can ask the ZOOM class.  Describe how it tastes and we will try to help you.
When we are all happy with what we have created, we will each take a turn to describe our dish and do our best to describe how it tastes.

Some sample ideas:
*sliced carrots, shredded cabbage and onions with garbanzo beans.  Season with olive oil, sesame oil, soy sauce or tamari.
*onions, peppers, corn, black beans with rice.  Season with cilantro and salsa and a splash of olive oil.
*asparagus, mushrooms, green peas with sliced cherry tomatoes with couscous.  Season with olive oil and salt

Don’t be afraid to try something new.  God already put the good taste in vegetables so they are bringing most of the flavor to your creation.
Most important, Have Fun while you serve your family. Contact Holly Klein with questions!


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