Prayer Retreat: Becoming a House of Prayer
  • 574 Ashford Center Road
    Ashford, CT

  • Evangelical Christian Center

Prayer Retreat: Becoming a House of Prayer

We’re excited for our first (hopefully annual) Prayer Retreat, led by Dr. Phil McKinney, happening on Friday, February 28th, at 6 PM through Saturday, March 1st, at 3 PM. This retreat is designed to deepen our prayer lives and foster fellowship with one another.

Here are the details:

  • Cost Options:
    • Private Room (double occupancy required): $60 per person (bed linens provided)
    • Semi-Private Room: $40 per person (bunk beds, but bring your sleeping bags)
    • Commuting Only (no overnight): $30 per person
    • Children:
      • Ages 12 and younger: Half price
      • Ages 5 and under: Free

Included in the Retreat:

  • All meals (gluten-friendly meals available (non-celiac), but all others with specialized dietary restrictions will need to bring their own food)
  • Childcare for children in 5th grade and younger (youth group teens are encouraged to attend the retreat with the adults).

👶 Childcare Volunteers: If you can volunteer with childcare during one of the sessions, you’ll receive a $20 reimbursement toward your registration cost. Please see Gail Bouffard if you are interested in serving this way.

🏠 Room Availability:

  • 22 Private Rooms: (44 people total, double occupancy required, best for couples or best friends since it has two twin beds and a private bathroom, a mattress for the floor can be brought in for children 12 and under)
  • 16 Semi-Private Rooms: (54 bunk beds divided up over 16 rooms with 5 shared bathrooms, bring your sleeping bags, plenty of room for larger families to stay together)
  • Commuters/Day Attendees: Unlimited Openings! If you live close to Ashford, this may be a great choice!

Register using the button above. Contact Techima Willis or Caleb McCaughan if you have questions!

Check out the retreat venue here! (please note, that indoor swimming is not available at this time).


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