Ganderbrook Ladies’ Retreat
  • 27 Ganderbrook Lane
    Raymond, ME 04071

  • Ganderbrook Christian Camp

Ganderbrook Ladies’ Retreat

GB Ladies’ Retreat 2018

For 2018, the Gander Brook Ladies’ Retreat is organized by the sisters of New Hampshire.

The dates for 2018 are Sept 13-15, and the theme is

“Strength for the Journey —Lessons from Elijah”

The speakers will be Christian women well known to the churches of New England:

  • Sarah (King) Campney
  • Sherry Pierce
  • Lynette Rowland
  • Darby (Coss) Williams
  • Andi Johnson

The cost this year is $50, with a pre-registration fee of only $40 if paid by August 18.

You can register either online or by traditional paper.

We’re excited and hope that you’ll join us for an uplifting retreat to gain “Strength for the Journey”.