Making Sense of Life
Supplemental Adult Study for 7.19.20
Video Thoughts for Discussion/Meditation
- What are your thoughts from the video? Is there anything new that you learned? What did you agree/disagree with from the video?
- Are there specific things in this world that do not makes sense to you?
- Do you feel like you understand the sovereignty of God in relation to the events of this world?
- Do you feel like you understand the justice of God in relation to the events of this world?
- Is God always fair? Why or why not?
Further Texts
- Isaiah 53
- How does this text apply to the thoughts from the video?
- Was it fair for Jesus to experience this for us? There is no simple answer to this question because it is complex and multifaceted. What are your thoughts?
- How does the fact that Jesus endured this for us affect your relationship to God?
Concluding Thoughts
- We will never fully understand everything in this world.
- We will never have answers to all of our questions while we live.
- Does this hinder your relationship with God? I hope not. However, if it does, please know that I am available to discuss these things if you desire – Rob Berghorst